Thursday, December 4, 2008

Black Ink Magazine -- Writers Wanted

Attention freelancers:

A magazine startup aimed at African-Canadian professionals is seeking writers.

Project is called Black Ink Magazine and you can find all the relevant details here.

CABJ Member in The News

Logged on to the Toronto Star's web site this morning and saw a story headlined "9 years on contracts and no full time job in sight."

My first reaction: sounds like working at the Star.

Turns out the story wasn't about the Star, but it was about the journalism industry. 

The journalist they profile? 

Long-time CABJ member Dayo Kefentse.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Multimedia Entertainment & News Reporter

Multimedia Entertainment & News Reporter

Sun Media has an immediate opening for a full-time, Multimedia Entertainment and News Reporter to be based in New York City.

The successful candidate:

  • Must be fluently bilingual in both English and French to produce dynamic, compelling reports for both print and visual media
  • Must have a full range of experience, and first-rate expertise, in newspapers as both a city-side reporter and an entertainment writer
  • Must be experienced and proficient in reporting, both on camera and off, for audio/visual media
  • Will report to Sun Media’s National Entertainment Editor

Primary duties include, among others:

  • Brainstorming, developing and filing in a timely manner
  • Unique reports and features, on both entertainment and news subjects in New York City, in both official languages, and for all Sun Media multimedia and broadcast platforms

Interested applicants should send their resumes by December 3, 2008, to the attention of:

Angela Zito
Supervisor, Human Resources
Sun Media Corporation
333 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 3X5
Please quote reference number TOR-08-128 in the subject line.